Pedestrian Tool

The Pedestrian Facility Selection Tool is designed to help Australian and New Zealand practitioners select the most appropriate type of pedestrian crossing based on walkability, safety and economic outcomes. In 2020 the economic values were updated, the expected crash reduction factors were revised, and the Australian Transport Assessment and Planning guidelines were implemented within the tool. In 2021 and 2023 three of the New Zealand economic parameters were updated.

Accessing the tool

Download the 2023 [V2.2.2] User Guide

Access the tool

What does the tool do?

The online tool assesses the viability of different types of pedestrian crossing facilities according to the physical and operational parameters of a site and its safety performance.

It can be used to assess both mid-block and intersection locations.

Practitioners are required to enter a range of site variables into the tool including site information, physical/environmental variables, operational variables and safety performance.

For each feasible option, the tool then evaluates pedestrian and vehicle delay, safe sight distances, pedestrian level of service and, using default economic parameters developed for each Australian jurisdiction and New Zealand, calculates a benefit cost ratio.

What facilities can the tool assess?

The tool can assess raised platforms, kerb extensions, median refuges, zebra crossings, signals, grade separation or combinations of these facilities.

While the tool has been developed to assist practitioners in the decision making process, it does not replace professional judgement, local regulations, best practice or community consultation.

What are the benefits of using the tool?

  • Analyses mid-block and intersection pedestrian crossing facilities
  • Accounts for economic factors in Australia and New Zealand
  • Uses a walkability-based pedestrian level of service calculation
  • Calculates delays at signals
  • Calculates sight distances
  • Calculates a Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) for each facility type

What research was undertaken?

The report Development of the Australasian Pedestrian Facility Selection Tool details the research that informed the development of the tool.

The appendices in the user guide detail the updates made to the tool.

All state road authorities in Australia and New Zealand contributed to the development of this tool.

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